Flint mine

A flint mine may be as simple as a pit on the surface or an area of quarrying or it may refer to a series of shafts and tunnels used to extract flint.

Flint mines have been in use since the Palaeolithic, but were most common during the Neolithic. Although flint is not as valuable a resource in modern times, a few flint mines remain in operation even today (for example at Miorcani).[1] (For its modern uses, see the page on flint.)

Known Flint Mines

Further reading

The above-mentioned flint mining sites and others are mentioned in the following texts.

Allard, Bostyn, Giligny, Lech (Editors) 2006[11]

Aubry & Mangado 2006[12]

Hunt Ortiz 1996[13]

Matías Rodríguez, R. 2005[14]

Weisgerber & Slotta 1999[15]

See also


  1. Mindo S.A. "Mindo S.A. Annual Report" (PDF). Retrieved 14 May 2012.
  2. Verri, G. (17 May 2004). "Flint mining in prehistory recorded by in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 101 (21): 7880–7884. doi:10.1073/pnas.0402302101. PMC 419525Freely accessible. PMID 15148365.
  3. Bostyn, F. and Lanchon, Y. (eds.) (1992). Jablines. Le Haut Château (Seine-et-Marne). Une minière de silex au Néolithique. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de L’Homme: Documents d’Archéologie Française, 35.
  4. Bostyn, F.; Lanchon, Y. (1997). "The Neolithic Flint Mine at Jablines, 'Le Haut Château' (Seine-et-Marne)". In A. Ramos-Millán; M.A. Bustillo,. Siliceous rocks and culture. Granada: Universidad de Granada. pp. 271–291. ISBN 9788433823908.
  5. Barber, M., Field, D. and Topping, P. (1999). The Neolithic Flint Mines of England. Swindon: English Heritage.
  6. Holgate, R. (1995). "Neolithic flint mining in Britain". Archaeologia Polona. 33: 133–161.
  7. Topping, P. (1997). Structured deposition, symbolism, and the English flint mines. In R. Schild and Z. Sulgostowska (eds), Man and Flint. Proceedings of the VIIth International Flint Symposium. Warszawa-Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Warszawa. Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 127–131.
  8. "The Rohri Flint Quarries; Bibliography".
  9. Migal, W.; Salacinski, S. (1997). Studies at Krzemionki during the last decade. In R. Schild and Z. Sulgostowska, Man and Flint. Proceedings of the VIIth International Flint Symposium. Warszawa-Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology. Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 103–108.
  10. Lech, H.; Lech, J. (1984). "The Prehistoric Flint Mine at Wierzbica 'Zele': A Case Study from Poland.". World Archaeology. 16 (2): 186–203. doi:10.1080/00438243.1984.9979927.
  11. Allard P.; et al. (2008). Flint mining in prehistoric Europe : interpreting the archaeological records : European Association of Archaeologists, 12th annual meeting, Cracow, Poland, 19th-24th September 2006. Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 9781407303710.
  12. Aubry, Thierry; Mangado Llach, Javier (2006). The Côa valley (Portugal) : lithic raw material characterisation and the reconstruction of Upper Palaeolithic settlement patterns. In: Notions de territoire et de mobilité : exemples de l'Europe et des premières nations en Amérique du Nord avant le contact européen : actes des sessions présentées au Xe congrès annuel de l'Association européenne des Archéologues (EAA), Lyon, 8-11 sept. pp. 41–49.
  13. Hunt Ortiz, M.A. (1996). La explotación de los recursos minerales en Europa y la Península Ibérica durante la prehistoria. Universidad de Valladolid.
  14. Matías Rodríguez, R. (2005). "Origen de la minería.". Cimbra. 362.
  15. Weisgerber G, Slotta R (1999). 5000 Jahre Feuersteinbergbau : die Suche nach dem Stahl der Steinzeit ; Ausstellung im Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum vom 24. Oktober 1980 bis 31. Januar 1981 (3., verb., erw. u. aktualisierte Aufl. ed.). Bochum: Deutsches Bergbau-Museum. ISBN 9783921533666.

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